Pun Choi: a hotchpotch of Chinese folk and fairy tales

{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsAuthorText') }}Jane Houng
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}QX Publishing Co.
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What if:
tigers still roamed in Hong Kong mountains?
a woman gave birth to an egg?

do chickens have combs?
do goats go bleh?

did the deer lose its tail?
did the misers turn into monkeys?

"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales."
Albert Einstein

Why did the world’s greatest genius believe this? Because fairy tales are universal. They shed light on many essential human conditions. Children are compelled to interpret, imagine, predict. These skills are the roots of inspiration, creativity and vision. For this collection, local author Jane Houng has selected a range of traditional Chinese tales and retold them for contemporary Hong Kong children.


1. 全書含30故事,附插圖,內容多樣化。
2. 作者是英國人,按她的感受及觀察,加上想像力,改編中國古代神話、聊齋誌異及少數民族如滿族、納西族的民間故事。
3. 適當融入香港及中國文化元素,增加親切感。


Jane Houng’s young adult novel "Bloodswell" was published by QX Publishing Company in 2012. She has also published a biography called Houng’s, children’s chapter books, and poetry. She reviews for the Asian Review of Books and writes regularly in children’s newspapers published by Sing Tao News Corporation. Further details can be found on her author website: http://www.janehoung.com.

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