Introduction to Political Philosophy (Fourth Edition)

{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsAuthorText') }}Jonathan wolff
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}Oxford University Press
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  • Written by the renowned political philosopher, Jo Wolff, this is the most succinct, lucid, and thought-provoking introduction to the key questions and controversies dominating political philosophy.
  • Structured around the main issues of political philosophy, Wolff introduces readers to writings from a diverse range of thinkers, helping to make a complex subject readily accessible and stimulating.
  • Widely recognised to be a 'classic' text written by a leading scholar, active in contemporary research.

New to this Edition:

  • Revised and updated to diversify the text throughout, in terms of the thinkers considered, the examples used, and the further reading recommended.
  • Each chapter, when accessed digitally, includes tutorial-style videos from the author to help students understand the key questions and controversies in political philosophy and encourage them to form their own opinion.
  • The final chapter has been expanded to reflect current issues around gender identity, equal rights, and oppression.