紫禁萬象 -- 故宮文物的故事 Tales of the Forbidden City: 1644-1911

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{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}商務印書館(香港)有限公司
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本書收錄了90 件故宮文物的故事,讓讀者了解故宮的物寶天華、大千世界,從中窺探中華文化的底蘊,細說故宮的人、物、情,是一本老少皆宜、雅俗共賞的故事書。

Tales of the Forbidden City: 1644–1911 features the stories of ninety objects in the Palace Museum collection, giving our readers a glimpse of the vastness and kaleidoscopic nature of the Palace Museum collection, as well as the richness of Chinese culture. More than an illustrated assemblage of treasures, this book is a collection of intimate and informative stories about the people, objects, places, and experiences of the Forbidden City, suitable for young and old, amateurs and experts alike.