Smart Learning Reading Comprehension Primary 1

{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsAuthorText') }}Carmen Wong
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}Original Press
2015-10-23 00:00:00
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsTips1Text') }}
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsActivityText') }}
{{ }}

{{_getLangText("m_detailIntroduction_goodsIntroductionText") }}

Smart Learning Reading Comprehension Primary 1

出版社: Original Press (Asia) Ltd.
尺寸: A4 (210 mm × 297 mm)
ISBN: 978-988-14371-0-5

Reading materials cover a wide range of text types for different key stages as stipulated in the English Language Curriculum by the EDB
Format and style following the latest TSA and HKDSE English language papers to expose students to as many questiontypes as possible
Suggested answers to all questions and detailed explanations to difficult questions, which analyse the questions, common errors, and easily confused concepts, etc. to help students get the most out of every exercise
練習的格式和風格均參考全港性系統評估(TSA)以及香港中學文憑試(HKDSE) 的最新試卷,讓學生嘗試更多題型