Athens Junior Secondary: Skills Up on Reading Comprehension Beginnar

{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co.
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Skills up on Reading Comprehension provides structured practice that systematically develops secondary students’ reading skills. Apart from a variety of topics and text types, selected reading strategies are included to help students upgrade their comprehension skills. The books aim to gradually boost students’ confidence in reading by teaching them how to read critically. The series comes in three levels: Beginner, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate.
Key features:
• Each unit starts with Decoding the text , which introduces the text type and features of the passage, while the Activity that follows guides students in predicting the content and learning related vocabulary before reading the text.
• Reading strategies cover essential reading skills including understanding unfamiliar words, recognizing paraphrasing and analysing hidden messages. Each reading strategy highlights a challenging comprehension question to guide students toward finding the answer step by step.
• Reading rocket at the end of each unit and Level up teach supplementary information to round out students’ reading skills and equip them with the necessary knowledge to fully comprehend reading passages.
• Track your progress and Theme-based vocabulary book at the end of the book give students a quick revision of the reading skills and vocabulary learned throughout.
• Answer key is provided to help students check their answers.