{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsAuthorText') }}Moby Lau,BONHAM MEDIA & PR LTD.
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}BONHAM MEDIA & PR LTD.,Airphoto International Ltd.
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The first volume in the Over Hong Kong series was published in 1982. The photographer Lew Roberts, had spent more than 100 hours of flying capturing the secret faces of Hong Kong. Very few people had seen those astonishing vistas, so here, in one book, was a whole new world. Now 35 years after that first aerial insight comes the latest, ninth volume in the series. The format remains faithful to the original, beautiful photography with an erudite introduction. Instead of a snapshot in time, we have created a visual review of the growth and development of Hong Kong since Volume 1, though the earliest photograph in the book date from 1880. The latest was taken on 17 November 2017. The photographic team has been augmented by Moby Lau who has shot most of the new pictures in the book.

About the Author:

David Dodwell is the executive director of the Hong Kong-Apec Trade Policy Group. He is veteran journalist and expert on international business, global trade, and economic and political developments, particularly in Hong Kong and China. Moby Lau has more than 40 years' experience in the printing industry and as a photographer. He specializes in making photographs look their best on the printed page.