十二生肖選拔賽誰先誰後呢,是速度還是性格決定賽果? 快來與孩子一起閱讀,擁有開心的共讀時光吧﹗ 13 creatures are racing for 12 zodiac places, the winners will be the symbol of the Chinese lunar calendar. Who will come first? Who will miss out? What will happen in the journey?
十二生肖爭奪排名的故事 Let’s adventure with the Tazzie the Tiger together to see how it earned its place in Chinese zodiac.
◇ 十二個生肖的排名故事,大家可能都有聽說過。作者透過原故事再以英文作改寫,除字句押韻,內容亦帶出一些做人的品格,讓家長可教導小朋友並培養良好品德。每個生肖佔一冊,第十三冊主要描述貓貓為何不列在十二生肖中。 There are 13 creatures taking part in the Chinese Zodiac Race and 12 of them earned their own zodiac places. Let’s read and find out who they are. "I’ll be the fastest runner in the race, So you can all compete for second place!"