
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsAuthorText') }}Patricia Landry
{{ _getLangText('m_detailInformation_goodsPublisherText') }}商務印書館(香港)有限公司
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{{ activityObj.name }}

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透過有趣及生活化的圖像和情景,讓讀者更有效學習中文字詞和句式。全書提供29個生活主題,包括:家庭、學校、在街上、在超級市場購物等。共收1000多個中文詞語,以及簡單的中文句式,適合初學中文人士。 I Can Speak Chinese! Covers common situations such as “Family”, “Going to School” and “Shopping in the Supermarket”, etc. Containing more than 1,000 Chinese words and sentence patterns, this book is suitable for elementary Chinese learners. 此書不僅可以看圖認漢字,每個主題對頁還附有學習提示,教讀者講出簡短的句子。 I Can Speak Chinese! Not only teaches you Chinese words but also oral Chinese. The learning tips, in the bottom left-hand corner of each unit, can help you communicate in Chinese. 附普通話朗讀CD,讓讀者模仿正確普通話讀音。 More guidance is given in the audio MP3 which is recorded by a native Chinese speaker. You can really speak Chinese with ease! 本書特色: 全書是彩圖書,約600幅圖畫,每幅圖附簡體中文、英文以及拼音,樂趣與學習兼顧。 附有普通話錄製光碟,示範普通話讀音,確保讀者學會正確發音。